Federal Agency Communications

It is not clear whether these actions will be temporary or permanent. Some agencies have indicated that there will be further guidance in 90 days. Most have not specified a timeline.

If you have grants affected by these communications and instructions, you will be contacted by Sponsored Program Services to discuss. If you have concerns or questions please email spsopers@groups.purdue.edu.

Refer below for broad agency communications and/or specific instructions:

DateAgency or OrganizationDirections/Instructions
Updated DailyCOGR – EO SummaryCOGR Summary of Executive Orders | Council on Governmental Relations
Updated DailyCOGR – NIH 15%NIH 15% Cap on Indirect Cost Reimbursement – Information & Resources
Updated DailyCOGR – Admin Transition2025 Administration Transition Information & Resources
March 11, 2025DOE (Chicago Office)*Rescission of Notice of Suspension of DEI, CBP, PIER Plans and Justice40 related activities.
March 7, 2025DOE (Idaho Office)*DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Idaho Operations Office rescinded the cease order for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Community Benefit Plans, or Justice 40.  Impacted Faculty/PIs were notified.
March 5, 2025Federal AgenciesCourt ordered notification. – Notice of Court Order and the associated Preliminary Injunction Order
March 1, 2025Dept. of EducationU.S. Department of Education Releases Frequently Asked Questions on Dear Colleague Letter About Racial Preferencing | U.S. Department of Education
February 28, 2025DHHSPolicy on Adhering to the Text of the Administrative Procedure Act
February 26, 2025Presidential ActionsImplementing the President’s “Department of Government Efficiency” Cost Efficiency Initiative – The White House
February 24, 2025NSFFAQ Updates
February 24, 2025DOESuspension of Activities – DEI, Community Benefits Plans, Justice40
February 20, 2025Presidential ActionsFederal Register 2/20 – Regulatory Freeze Pending Review
Government Efficiency 2/11 – Establishing and Implementing the President’s “Department of Government Efficiency
Deregulation 2/6 – Unleashing Prosperity Through Deregulation
February 18, 2025AAU, APLU, COGRLetter to OSTP and OMB on Unnecessary Disruptions to Federally Supported Research
February 14, 2025DODContracting officers shall cancel or amend solicitations and terminate or partially terminate existing contracts that contain DEI or DEIA requirements.
February 14, 2025Dept. of EducationDear-colleague-letter-sffa-v-harvard-109506.pdf
February 11, 2025CDC*CDC rescinded communication to cease DEI activities and activities promoting gender ideology. Impacted Faculty/PIs were notified.
February 11, 2025NSF*NSF Revises web site to remove reference to January 28, 2025 community letter. Impacted Faculty/PIs were notified.
February 7, 2025NIHSupplemental Guidance to the 2024 NIH Grants Policy Statement: Indirect Cost Rates
February 6, 2025NASA*Direct immediate action to identify and terminate programs that promote gender ideology Impacted Faculty/PIs were notified.
January 31, 2025Court OrderTemporary Restraining Order issued in NY v. Trump
January 31, 2025CDC*Notice to terminate all programs, personnel, activities, or contracts promoting or inculcating gender ideology. Impacted Faculty/PIs were notified.
January 29, 2025NSFNSF Implementation of Recent Executive Orders | NSF – National Science Foundation
January 29, 2025OMBOMB Memo M-25-14 Rescinding M-25-13
January 28, 2025Presidential ActionsProtecting Children – Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation – The White House
January 28, 2025NSF*All review panels, new awards, and all payments of funds under open awards will be paused as the agency conducts the required reviews and analysis. Cease non-compliant grant activity that uses or promotes the use of DEIA principles and frameworks or violates Federal anti-discrimination laws. Impacted Faculty/PIs were notified.
January 28, 2025OMBOMB Clarification Memo M-25-13 Q&A
January 27, 2025USAID*Program Specific Suspension of Award Implementation and Stop Work Order Notices Received – Impacted Faculty/PIs were notified.
January 27, 2025DOE*Cease all activities associated with DEI and Community Benefits Plans. Impacted Faculty/PIs were notified.
January 27, 2025OMBMemo to Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies M-25-13 – Temporary Pause of Agency Grant, Loan, and Other Financial Assistance Programs. Temporarily Halted by US Judge on 1/28/2025. Memo rescinded 1/29/2025.
January 27, 2025Dept of State*Program Specific Suspensions of Award Implementation and Stop Work Order Notices Received – Impacted Faculty/PIs were notified.
January 25, 2025DODClarification of Defense Contracts
January 24, 2025USAID*Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) awards have been sent termination notices and should not incur any further costs. All DEIA activities are to cease immediately. Impacted Faculty/PIs were notified.
January 24, 2025USAIDFor existing foreign assistance awards, contracting officers and grant officers shall immediately issue stop-work orders, amend, or suspend existing awards.
January 24, 2025USAIDNote to COs & IPs on EO Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid – Google Docs
January 23, 2025Dept. of EducationU.S. Department of Education Takes Action to Eliminate DEI | U.S. Department of Education
January 23, 2025Dept of Labor*Cease all activities related to “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) or “diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility” (DEIA) under their federal awards. Impacted Faculty/PIs were notified.
January 23, 2025NASA*NASA Contractors and Grantees immediately cease and desist all DEIA activities of their contracts and grants. Taking steps to close all DEIA offices and end all DEIA-related activities. Impacted Faculty/PIs were notified.
January 23, 2025NASAInitial Guidance Regarding Diversity, Equity, Inclusion,
January 23, 2025NIFAAll NIFA Requests for Applications are currently under review
January 23, 2025NIHSome scientific and advisory panels have been paused.
January 23, 2025Dept of State*Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) awards have been sent termination notices and should not incur any further costs. All DEIA activities are to cease immediately. Impacted Faculty/PIs were notified.
January 22, 2025NSFClosed DEIA Office, taking steps to terminate all DEIA-related contracts
January 21, 2025DHHSPause Issuing Documents and Public Communication
January 20, 2025Presidential ActionsPresidential Actions – The White House
DEI – Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And Preferencing – The White House
Foreign Aid – Reevaluating And Realigning United States Foreign Aid – The White House
Gender Ideology – Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism And Restoring Biological Truth To The Federal Government – The White House

*Communications to Purdue University as recipient directing Principal Investigators to cease activity or stop work. Impacted faculty/PIs were notified.

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